I am thrilled to be working on this beautiful end of terrace house in Dunstaffnage Hall St, Stillorgan, Dublin. Not a lot of time to go before Christmas when I started this project so was determined to get painting and wallpapering done and out of the way, plus a little upholstering. I really wanted to get this young family into their new home for their very first festive season!! A dark and dated Chenille fabric in the built-in dining seating was replaced with a vibrant orange leather to add the more modern contemporary look that they love.
Built In Seating Area
Contemporary Wallpaper
There were lots of angles in this main bedroom which was the reason I decided this Cole & Son Geometric Oblique wallpaper would be the perfect partner to compliment these.
This is an ongoing project so lots more work to do in the new year..can’t wait to show the finished results!